Why does my jersey smell like poop?

This week started out like usual...crazy busy! We've had another cross country meet and 2 more soccer games. I'm feeling grateful that I've got just a bit more energy the past couple days. Still coughing but not as bad.

The highlight of Wylie's game came before it even started. As we all jumped out of the van in the parking lot he loudly asked, "Why does my jersey smell like poop?!" Well buddy, when mom is sick the laundry doesn't get done. I didn't do any laundry last week. Now we're in catch up mode and I'm still tired so it's a slow process. Do you have any idea how much laundry this family produces?! I have my kids fold their own clothes and put it away. But for the most part I still wash it.

Wylie's jersey didn't look all that bad but Lilah's jersey looked like she had swept a floor using it. It'll get washed...soon. Lilah didn't care and it didn't stop her from going up against rough preschool boys and scoring 5 goals! Wylie didn't seem to notice his jersey stench while he had a great game and scored 6 goals!

Kenzie even mentioned her jersey needed a wash but I don't feel bad about that. She knows how to use the washer! She did awesome in her meet! This time she got 7th place overall and 4th on her team.


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