Haunted House

I really love decorating for Halloween! It's not even my favorite holiday but I love decorating for it anyways! When we moved into this house a year ago, we hadn't even unpacked but we still decorated for Halloween. The kids were so excited to fill the windows with monsters. This house has a lot more windows but the kids were up to the task to make a million monsters to hang up. 

Finalized front view of house. For some reason the green back rounds are not showing up well in the picture.

Last year the kids had several friends come over and make monsters with them. They had so much fun! I was looking for ways to make the move easier on them and this was such a great activity!

That spiderweb is actually out side on the front porch in front of this window. Their is a baby doll hanging in the web that looks like part of the silhouette. My mom hates that we have a baby doll hanging in it...sorry mom.

Hanging these up was quite a family project this year. It took almost the entire week to finish. We ran out of tape. I ran out of energy. The living room looked like Halloween decorations puked all over it....

Everyone wanted to go up this ladder! Yikes!

Greg was making the kids laugh as he was hanging them and we were outside telling him where to put it in the window.

To bad I didn't get video of Greg's monster dance.

I love that this man will help me with this!

Kenzie did that Grim Reaper all on her own!

I'm really proud of this witch I did, haha.... To bad the green back round didn't show up well in the picture.

Wylie really wanted a coyote. That is his Native American name. Simyat, which means Coyote.


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