Crazy Sick Days

I really hate missing things my kids participate in. I try my hardest not to miss things. That's easier said than done when you have lots of kids participating in things! Sometimes the only option is to divide and conquer. I was very fortunate today that a friend offered to pick up the junior high carpool and switch me weeks because I am still sick. Then my mom called and offered to pick up my elementary school kids. My mom then drove me to Kenzie's cross country meet and got me as close to the finish line as possible so I wouldn't have to walk too far. I'm so grateful for all the extra help today! I should also mention my sister, Kathy-Jean, who has also not been feeling well, picked up Lilah from preschool and kept her most the day to hang out and play with cousins! My mom got Maybree to her soccer practice later. Whew! Thanks mom again!

Kenzie's second cross country junior high meet today was so amazing! I don't know what it is about watching her cross the finish line but I just suddenly start crying! Pregnancy? Motherhood? She got 12th place overall and 5th place on her school's team! Still waiting for the time. So proud of her for trying new things!

My energy was spent by the time it was Wylie's and Lilah's turn for soccer games. Yes...our soccer season schedule is insane! Luckily both games were at the same time and park but different fields. Greg coached Lilah who scored 5 goals! I asked the older girls and my friend to cheer for Wylie in his game. I felt so bad I couldn't be there but I had to rest and stay down! But he did great!

Of course tomorrow is picture day for the elementary school...😞😒 ugh I'm so tired. My girls wanted curls for picture day and Wylie needed his hair trimmed just a bit. This is not a task I can pass off to Greg. Haha. So curlers and the fastest trim in the world! Poor little Lilah wanted curls too. I tried to explain that her picture day is next week and I'll do them then. But, you know the thing about four year olds, is that they really don't understand that mommy is sick and curls need to wait. So she got curlers too. I didn't have strength to argue when I know she's not going to understand. Haha!


  1. How nice to put curlers on Lilah's hair too! It's so neat when we push ourselves and look back and see how much we've grown!


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