Moms Don't Get Sick Days
Remember in my first post I mentioned that mom's shouldn't be allowed to get sick? Well, I'm still sick but it feels much worse. I decided I better see a doctor today as I started coughing and my chest now hurts. I can't talk my voice is completely gone. Sometimes I feel like this type of illness is a good opportunity to practice not yelling so much! Haha....since yelling or even talking isn't an option. Anyways long story short, doctor said I have pneumonia. 😷😔🤒 I've only had it once before but the way my chest hurts made me worry I have it again.
So here's how my day went. I stayed in bed all morning. Greg got the kids ready and off to school. Oh how I love him! I turned paw patrol on for Myles and Lilah. They laid in bed next to me while watching TV and I was not functioning. Lilah even got up to get her own lunch! That girl knows how to get stuff done! That's about the time I got up to eat and returned to bed. I functioned enough to check the kids grades online, pay a bill, pick up kids from school, and go to the doctors office. I consider that a success for the day and how I feel! Woot!
I started potty training Myles recently as he is showing interest. Being sick and potty training is never a good idea. It sure does stall things. Also, potty training a tube fed child is quite a challenge of its own...but that will have to be explained another day. I need sleep. Pneumonia + 31 weeks pregnant equals a lot of sleep.
I should mention though that I have amazing family. My mom showed up with dinner unexpectedly tonight. So glad we didn't have to worry about that. My sister-in-law brought me some banana strawberry cheesecake last night. The kids are at least understanding that I'm really sick. Big kids are helping out. Little kids are giving me extra hugs. Haha, usually no one notices when moms are sick! Well, until they have no clean dishes or laundry! I have to give the kids credit today though, most chores got done although the house still looks like a disaster zone. Homework got done.... sounding out words with Wylie is interesting when you can barely speak. Life moves on sick or not!
So here's how my day went. I stayed in bed all morning. Greg got the kids ready and off to school. Oh how I love him! I turned paw patrol on for Myles and Lilah. They laid in bed next to me while watching TV and I was not functioning. Lilah even got up to get her own lunch! That girl knows how to get stuff done! That's about the time I got up to eat and returned to bed. I functioned enough to check the kids grades online, pay a bill, pick up kids from school, and go to the doctors office. I consider that a success for the day and how I feel! Woot!
I started potty training Myles recently as he is showing interest. Being sick and potty training is never a good idea. It sure does stall things. Also, potty training a tube fed child is quite a challenge of its own...but that will have to be explained another day. I need sleep. Pneumonia + 31 weeks pregnant equals a lot of sleep.
I should mention though that I have amazing family. My mom showed up with dinner unexpectedly tonight. So glad we didn't have to worry about that. My sister-in-law brought me some banana strawberry cheesecake last night. The kids are at least understanding that I'm really sick. Big kids are helping out. Little kids are giving me extra hugs. Haha, usually no one notices when moms are sick! Well, until they have no clean dishes or laundry! I have to give the kids credit today though, most chores got done although the house still looks like a disaster zone. Homework got done.... sounding out words with Wylie is interesting when you can barely speak. Life moves on sick or not!
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