My name is Jean Wilber and welcome to our crazy life! My husband Greg and I have been married 13 years. We have 6 kids and we're pregnant with our 7th! We have 4 girls, 2 boys, we're prego with another boy, and my son also has a G-Tube (feeding tube).
Greg works for Mountain West Mortgage and loves helping people with their mortgages! He is a volunteer soccer coach for a bunch of teams, literally. The most he has coached at once is 4 of our kids soccer teams. Currently, he is coaching 3 teams consisting of 2 competition club teams and 1 preschool rec team. He loves it and our kids have so much fun. He also loves fly fishing and recently has taken up golf in his free time...which is almost non-existent during soccer season.
I love swimming, learning to crochet, going on dates with my husband, and spending time with my family! But, let's be honest, I have no free time. Between kids, meals, house cleaning, kids homework, the kid's sports, or tube feeding Myles, I have NO free time. I'm currently sick...I have no time for being sick. Isn't their a rule about moms never allowed to be sick? I have to schedule and make time for me which is important but often takes a back seat to life happening!
I'm kind of a germaphobe but you'd never guess it if you walked into my house haha! That's because I'm definitely when I get started on any cleaning project I'm likely to spend way to many hours on any 1 task. That one thing is going to be like new but the rest of the house is still messy! I have to mentally try to talk myself out of this crazy cleaning and try to speed clean better because otherwise I have no hope for ever having a clean house. Also, I've come to the conclusion that I can either be an awesome mom with a terribly dirty house or I can have a beautifully clean house and be a terrible mom to my kids....I have not learned to balance the
se yet, haha! Someday I have hopes of this!
Greg & Jean....and baby #7 |
MaKenzie is our oldest and she is such a huge help to me! She is loving Junior High and I'm so relieved because it has been a rough year! We moved for the 1st time in 10 years about 1 year ago and it was rough on Kenzie. She went through all of elementary school with her same little group of tight friends. We only moved 15 minutes south but it's still a new school and new everything. Now that she's been here a year she is feeling like she knows other girls her age and is enjoying school again. Kenzie has also realized she didn't lose her old friends, just added new ones. She likes her classes and teachers. Kenzie loves soccer! She is on a new competition team this year and Greg is her coach. She also just started cross country at the Junior High! She was so nervous to try it out and she has loved it now! Only 1 meet into the season but she placed 8th on her team and 26th overall. She ran the 1.5 mile in about 12:10. I'm not to experienced but I think that is awesome for a 1st time race! Kenzie is also interested in art and plays violin. She is very caring and has a sweet heart. She loves her family.
MaKenzie |
MaKayla is next in line and I would describe her as my most determined child. Last Christmas she wanted to learn some new Christmas songs to play on the piano but we had stopped lessons since we had moved. I got her some books and told her to just try them out. Kayla learned the Christmas music on her own with no help. She is very competitive. She is in the 3rd year of playing with the same competition soccer team that Greg also coaches. She loves it! Kayla loves math and any science stuff at school. She is good at figuring things out and catching onto math concepts quickly. She also loves magic tricks! She is very sensitive but puts on a good act of being tough to those around. She cares for the people around her and likes to people please.
MaKayla |
Maybree is my mellow "Maybs Babes." Since the day she was born she's always been my easy going mellow girl. She's just what I needed in life at that time and now. Sometimes I feel that she is so low maintenance that I need to remember not to forget about her needs and wants that she unselfishly always puts after everyone else's. She, of course, also plays soccer. This is the 1st year in a while that Greg is not coaching her team. She loves to play goalie and is starting more training for the position. Maybree is funny, has a silly side, and likes to laugh! She is such a sweetheart to all who know her. She loves to sing. Maybree is always looking for ways to serve others around her, especially me.
Maybree |
Wylie is our 1st boy! He likes to be rowdy and is full of energy! He has always been so sweet to his mommy but lately everything is about dad. He wants to be just like dad. When asked what he wanted to be as a grown up he answered, "Do dad's job, be a soccer coach, and a missionary." He has a special spot in his heart for grandmas and is always concerned about them. He is a gentleman and likes to walk his church teacher to class every Sunday. He of course loves soccer but dad is not coaching his rec team this fall. He likes to ride bikes or do anything with dad! Wylie loves video games and I have to watch how much time he plays them! He also loves playing with Lego's and building things.
Delilah is next in line! She is spunky and wants to be everyone's "boss." Really, she thinks she's in charge. This girl is so loud and funny. Greg is coaching her pre-k rec soccer team and this girl rules the field. Last spring she was all about giving us a thumbs up while smiling and running by after the ball. This fall she is going after that ball and scoring goals and then doing a victory dance. Lilah is like a little mommy to her little brother Myles and is always looking out for him. They have a special connection. She is still a mommy's girl and wants to be near me or doing anything I'm doing. I would also describe Lilah as very determined. This girl wanted to ride a "real bike" (no training wheels) and I thought for sure she was to little. Greg taught her within the same day and she was cruising with confidence all over in no time.
Delilah |
Myles is currently our youngest (but not for long). He loves to climb, jump, and do anything his older siblings are doing. He loves his family so much. His night time prayers are never complete without thanking God for each and everyone of his family members. I had a feeling right before he was born that he really loved his family. He does so much better with everyone around. He misses them when he's been away. Myles has a G-Tube (feeding tube) placed in his stomach. He has some GI issues that have resulted in him having a G-Tube, which we call his "button." So far he doesn't mind his button and thinks it's like his super power currently. Myles has been through so much in his short life and handled it like the brave champ he is. I can't wait to write all his amazing experiences on here but that will be saved for another post! Probably many posts actually!
Myles |
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