Surgical Consult and Jesus Heals Us
February 8, 2021-
We sat on the couch anxiously
awaiting our virtual doctor’s appointment with the surgeon at Primary Children’s
Hospital. Myles has been so excited to take his button out. I’m still in disbelief
that it’s really happening. I was half worried the surgeon would take one look
at Myles weight and size for his age and call off the surgery. Myles bounced
around on the couch excited for his doctor to come on the tablet screen. He got
serious, “Wait. Do they have to give me a shot when they take my button out?”
“I think once you’re asleep they might give you a shot. But you won’t feel it because you’re asleep. But you can ask the doctor.” I responded.
Once the
surgeon came on and introduced himself, we discussed Myles health history. I
felt like I was holding my breath answering questions. I don’t know why I was still
so nervous. Stop letting fear rule you, Jean. After getting all the history
out of the way, he described the process of closing Myles stoma (hole).
They will put him to sleep using a mask before putting in an IV. He’ll be under general anesthesia. Myles celebrated at the news of no “shots” that he’ll feel. They cut away any damaged skin and tissue (inside stomach tissue and outside skin) to allow healthy skin and tissue to be stitched together. The surgeon will actually pull up his stomach through his stoma (hole) to “double stitch” his stomach closed. After sewing it one time, it is “water tight.” The second time just means it’s “extra water tight.” He explained that then they just drop the stomach back down. Next, they sew the muscle layer, followed by finally sewing closed the outside skin.
Because the g-tube site is not a sterile environment in the body, and now they are closing it up, a drain will be placed in the area during the first several days of healing. He showed us a picture of a rubber band looking thing that after a few days I get to cut and pull out! No big deal. I’ve done way worse. I’m not squirmy at this point…. why don’t I have an honorary nursing degree of some sort? That should be a thing… no really, why isn’t that a thing?! I’ve been through more years taking care of Myles’ tube than nursing school takes… just saying. I should have my master’s by now. At least I’ve got the best kids and an alive five-year-old that is almost a “tubie graduate!” At least someone graduated! Ha!
We only had a few questions for the surgeon about the recovery process and how this might effect the stomach in any way. Once he answered questions and talked about recovery, we left the zoom meeting. Myles was not bouncing around anymore. Looking at me with worry he hesitantly said, “They sew me? Like… real sewing? Like your sewing machine? I don’t want to be sewed. Needles sew and that hurts!” I tried to explain that he would be asleep and won’t feel a thing. He wouldn’t have it. You can’t argue with a five-year-old. You’ll never win!
Myles quickly decided that he was not excited to have his
button out anymore and it could stay in. Maybe it was wrong but I asked him, “Do
you remember when they put your button in? Probably not. It was a long time ago
and they had to cut you to put your button in.”
“Yeah, Mom but Jesus helped me.”
“Yes, he did. Jesus will help you again Myles, I promise.”
“Yeah, but they can’t sew me. You can’t sew people. They can’t
stick a needle in me!”
Greg jumped in, “Myles, look at Mommy’s shoulder scar. You’ll
have a scar just like Mom’s! She didn’t feel them sew her shoulder. She was
asleep and then woke up.”
“Mom, did you dream?” Myles asked pulling my shirt and examining
my scar.
“No, I just went to sleep and woke up and thought, wow they’re
already done?! It’ll be just like that for you too.”
Still considering how this was all going to work out he decided, “We can bring the medicine to make me sleep home so I can sleep every night in my own bed. But I’m not being sewed.”
I love how kid’s minds work. He has such a hard time staying
in his own bed and he thinks he just figured out that solution! Boom! Solved! Sorry
kid, not going to work. Kayla had been listening to the whole conversation. She
finally added her advice, “When I cut my foot open the doctor glued it shut.
Maybe the doctor will glue you shut Myles?”
That seemed to create more fear. “No! Glue is hot!”
I could see the wheels turning in his head picturing a hot glue gun on his skin. Snickering I told him, “Myles, they don’t use hot glue guns on people. It’s…. normal glue.” I had no idea how to explain that. I was actually happy to be able to talk and prepare him for what is coming. Years ago, it was almost impossible to prepare him for having tests and procedure after procedure. He got to the point where he recognized a certain place in Primary Children’s Hospital with blue lights on the wall and would have a melt done right there. During his last procedure when they switched his PEG tube for his button, I was told that when he woke up, he was so mad he pulled his own breathing tube out. I decided to let the matter rest for the time being.
Later, Myles came up to us and said, “I decided to have my
button out.” He turned to Lilah with excitement, “Lilah, they are going to glue
me!” Greg and I practiced putting a pretend mask over his mouth and nose and he
went to “fake sleep.” Then he would pop up excited!
Myles surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday, February 16th. I was surprised they scheduled so soon! While I write this my heart is happy as I hear him tell Lilah in the other room, “Jesus heals people.” This is a statement he uses often and on his own. Myles has great faith. He knows Jesus heals people. Jesus heals. He loves to mend our broken hearts. If we let Him, He will.
Heavenly Father, referring to His Beloved Son, said, “Hear Him!” As you act on
those words and listen to Him, remember, joyfully and reverently, that the
Savior loves to restore what you cannot restore; He loves to heal wounds you
cannot heal; He loves to fix what has been irreparably broken; He
compensates for any unfairness inflicted on you; and He loves to
permanently mend even shattered hearts.
As I
have reflected on gifts from our Heavenly Father and from Jesus Christ, I have
come to know of Their infinite love and Their incomprehensible compassion for
all Heavenly Father’s children. This knowledge has changed me, and it will
change you too. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.” Elder
Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. April 2020 General Conference
Consider the Goodness and Greatness of God.
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New Button |
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Stoma to be surgically closed. |
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He doesn't like button changes. Or tube feeds anymore. He'll be so happy to never have a button change again! |
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New button on left. Old button on right. Your stomach slowly tries to digest it. I change the button every few months. |
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