Follow Your Promptings!


Sunday, May 2, 2021


During fast and testimony meeting today (anyone is invited to share their testimony with the congregation, if they want, in this once-a-month meeting) I felt the pull to get up and share my testimony. It was strong enough to get me to jump out of my seat, yet I did not jump out of my seat. Each passing minute, each passing testimony, I was burning to get up, but I did not.

This morning before church, I listened to a fantastic talk about promptings and acting on those first promptings! I listened to how the speaker explained that the adversary is usually the second thought and tries to use logic to talk us out of acting on that first prompting. I agreed and understood! Yet only a couple hours later, I was sitting in sacrament meeting justifying the first prompting to go up and share my testimony. Some of my “second thoughts” included, “But I’m pregnant and nervous and if I get up, I might pee my pants (dress)!” And, “I have so much I want to say that I’m afraid it’ll all come out in one big jumbled mess at the pulpit!” Another was even, “Do I just want attention? That shouldn’t be a reason to get up.” Silly me…I didn’t want attention; I was already nervous to get up! What’s important is, I recognized all my “second thoughts” and where they came from. I was acting on fear, not faith. I decided I needed to get up and ignore those other thoughts. But, as the final testimony was done, the bishopric member stood to close the meeting. I realized I had forgotten our meetings are shorter because of covid. I lost my chance; I did not act on my prompting. Or take my own advice to my kids, “Just stand up and start walking!”

Usually not following the spirit brings me sadness or regret when I realize what I’ve done. This morning, although I was full of regret that I did not jump out of my seat and follow my heart like it had wanted, I was proud of myself for recognizing the thought process as it was happening. (Step one, recognize the Spirit’s prompting, right?!) I decided that rather than being hard on myself, I should offer myself some grace. As the Savior forgives us, we need to forgive ourselves too. I offered a prayer in my head of forgiveness and desire to act (Step two, have faith and act!) on my promptings sooner, faster…before it’s too late! I will try to act on my promptings right away (not the first time I’ve committed to this-even in the last year-but I’m human and far from perfect!) Also…step one is probably the DESIRE to receive and recognize personal revelation but you get the point I’m trying to make…hopefully. Anyways, I decided right there that I was going to write this experience down and record my testimony of what was in my heart. Then I would share it… somewhere? (That’s the hard part and it’s already taken all day to actually sit and write this!) So here I go…

I want to share my testimony that the Savior is there for us. Each of us are in a different place in life and going through different things. We don’t always fully understand or agree with each other’s choices and that’s ok! But, what’s so beautiful is the Savior understands us and where we’re each at. I met a new friend and although we don’t always see eye to eye on everything, I am amazed at our common ground. We both know how important Jesus is in our life and that He is our foundation. Our solid ground. It is our relationship with Him that we need to cling to and everything else will fall into line with faith. Jesus Christ is our Advocate. I NEED Him by my side. I need Him cheering me along and supporting me. I need Him carrying me when I feel I can’t go any farther. I need Him every second of every day to get me through. I have faith and know, that He will be there for me. He knows me and you by name and He loves me and you. He knows everything bad I’ve ever done, and HE STILL LOVES ME! I want Him as my Advocate. I need Him as my Advocate. If you question your faith in Him, you can lean on mine until you are strong enough to stand firmly on your own. I will try and help. I say these things in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.


Notes from the talk I referenced:


On the sidelines of the soccer field yesterday, I was talking to a couple friends about promptings. One friend sent me a talk she liked from Loren Dalton- You Are Receiving Revelation!... Now Act On It! After listening to this talk this morning, I absolutely loved how he explained personal revelation! Some keys points from the talk:

v  The Holy Ghost is a spirit and can communicate with our own spirit. It can pop into our head just like a thought! Usually the 1st random thought. (ex. “I should call so and so…”)

v  The adversary is also a spirit and tries to communicate with our spirit, but he wants us to believe that his communication is our own thoughts. He tries to use logic to talk us out of things (or into). (ex. “That’s a silly thought. I haven’t talked to so and so in years and that would be weird to call them out of the blue.” OR “That wasn’t a prompting, that was my own silly thoughts.” OR “I am not needed.” Or “Nobody loves me.” Etc.)

v  These thoughts do not make us bad people! The adversary is usually the 2nd voice! The adversary uses logic. The adversary oftentimes speaks to us in the first person.

v  God doesn’t need logic. He needs us to have faith. God did not need logic to perform the many miracles throughout the scriptures! He needed people willing to have faith and act on their faith!

He quoted Elder Ronald A. Rasband from April 2017 General Conference:

            “First promptings are pure inspiration from heaven. When they confirm or testify to us, we need to recognize them for what they are and never let them slip past. So often, it is the Spirit inspiring us to reach out to someone in need, family and friends in particular.”


            I also have a testimony that we can stand in holy places just by making good choices and in our actions each day! If we follow the promptings from the Spirit, we allow Him to stay with us continually. Stand in holy places does not just mean physical places! We can stand for the truth of what we know. We can act on our faith! We can stand mentally in holy places. We can stand in holy places by allowing the Spirit to remain with us through our thoughts and actions! How wonderful is that gift!


  1. Beautiful ly written, thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks for sharing your beautiful testimony!


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