Our crazy, but fun, ridiculously loud, big family including me and my husband, our 7 (almost 8) kids, 2 dogs, 1 cat, oh and the adventure with our son and his feeding tube.
Zombie Orchestra Concert
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Kenzie had her first orchestra concert of the year. It was so fun to watch them play and see how much they have progressed! They dressed up for Halloween. Kenzie dressed up as a zombie!
Sunday, May 2, 2021 During fast and testimony meeting today (anyone is invited to share their testimony with the congregation, if they want, in this once-a-month meeting) I felt the pull to get up and share my testimony. It was strong enough to get me to jump out of my seat, yet I did not jump out of my seat. Each passing minute, each passing testimony, I was burning to get up, but I did not. This morning before church, I listened to a fantastic talk about promptings and acting on those first promptings! I listened to how the speaker explained that the adversary is usually the second thought and tries to use logic to talk us out of acting on that first prompting. I agreed and understood! Yet only a couple hours later, I was sitting in sacrament meeting justifying the first prompting to go up and share my testimony. Some of my “second thoughts” included, “But I’m pregnant and nervous and if I get up, I might pee my pants (dress)!” And, “I have so much I want to say ...
Monday, January 25, 2021- The weight of my blankets only made me want to stay in bed longer. I'm not a morning person regardless of not wanting to face Myles' doctor appointment. Myles decided he wanted to wear his super Mario brother hat from Halloween. Sure, why not?! When we arrived at the waiting room for the clinics in Primary Children's Hospital, I was taken back by the emptiness. The hospital, dedicated to the care of children, always has plenty to do and multiple options in the waiting room. We were once there for a swallow study and someone had the sole job to blow bubbles and play games to distract Myles and keep him happy during his testing. Anyways, thank you covid for destroying the fun for sick and sometimes scared kids waiting to be seen. 😓 We actually didn't have to wait long. The nurse took us back to the room they weigh and measure kids in. When I walked in memories flooded my mind of all the different times I've been in that room with Myl...
Saying good bye to our first house. Sometimes when you meet people and start talking to them, you get that feeling that you just get each other. You click! Last week, at Wylie's last soccer game, a woman on the sidelines watched me arrive at the game with my bunch of kids plus a couple extra. I probably looked like a frazzled mess because we were running late and I'm hauling all these kids around while hugely pregnant. It's a good look...just saying. After we settled down on the sidelines she came up to me and asked me if this would be baby number 7 or 8. I explained it was 7 but some of the kids with me at that moment weren't mine. She smiled with understanding and told me she had 8 kids. Keep Trying! We continued to talk for a while about coming from big families, raising big families, getting counted in public, transitioning to a 12 passenger van, and all the funny and rude things that come with carting around a million kids. Then she mentioned th...
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