Today has been absolutely crazy! Is it ever not? I feel like even when I plan things hoping it will make our day smoother it never really goes as planned. Ever. I had junior high car pool, pick up elementary school kids, cross country meet, and Kayla's soccer game across the valley to make it to all tightly scheduled one right after another. I decided to pick the elementary kids up 15 minutes early to allow time for me to bring Kayla home to get her soccer stuff ready. I realized as I pulled into the parking lot that today was a fire drill and all the kids were outside lined up in classes. After waiting 15 minutes I was able to leave with the kids right as school got out. Mom fail? I tried.
My sideline buddy! |
About this time in the day we ran into a few people we know and as we said hi to them, Myles announced "mom not dead." I looked at him surprised and repeated, "mom not dead?!" He just said, "yeah!" I said, "well that's good news!" I have no idea where he got this from but it was so creepy! Maybe I should not be allowing my almost 3 year old to be playing on a game boy ever? Mom fail?!
We headed straight to Kenzie's cross country meet instead. I was so grateful to make it there in time because I missed seeing her come in on Tuesday. I noticed she wasn't pushing herself as hard as I've seen the past few races. She told me afterwards that she ran through a little hole on the hill that kind of hurt her ankle. I still think she did great! She came in 16th place overall and 8th place on her team. Myles also continued to tell people, "mom not dead!" Thanks buddy.
Kenzie after crossing the finishing line. That is Maybree in the back round cheering for her sister! Love the support these kids give each other! |
Super fast trip home to grab soccer stuff, stop at the gas station, drive through north Utah County during rush hour to pick up Greg on the way to the soccer game. As we arrived to Kayla's soccer game Myles told me that he peed in the car. He's actually been doing great this week with potty training and we haven't had any accidents since beginning of the week! Of course, I was just telling my mom about this exciting news earlier. Apparently, I spoke to soon. I had him in real underwear the last few days because he has been so excited on his own to use the potty. Sure enough he peed in his car seat, which I had a waterproof pad on it because I recently washed the car seat cover. Finally, mom win!!! Kenzie, always my amazing helper, took him out of the car to see if he had to go potty more. Oh this poor boy had held it in so good because he actually had a ton more he was holding in! Mom fail!
Kenzie and Wylie keeping warm. |
The weather is starting to feel much more like fall now. I did not bring extra pants for Myles. Mom fail! I don't usually bring my potty trainees out on errands in real underwear unless I'm sure they will not have an accident. Didn't even think about it with how long we'd be away from the house today! Luckily, I was raised in Florida and I still am not a fan of cold weather! So I also have a stack of blankets in the car for soccer games that end up being colder than we planned for. Utah weather can be unpredictable. Good thing I keep diapers in the car too! Myles was warmly wrapped in a blanket on my lap the whole game and was just peachy snuggling mom! Mom win!
Maybree and Lilah trying to stay warm! |
Kayla's game went great! They played an aggressive team that they handled very well. They won 3-1. Kayla plays up a year in age level so she can be with her friends and even though she is smaller she handles her own. I love watching my kids from the sideline! After the game, walking to the car, Myles again decided to tell dad and whoever else would listen that, "mom not dead."
Kayla in middle white jersey player.
I had no idea our drive home would take more than twice as long because we got caught in all the BYU vs Utah football game traffic. I was so exhausted and "dead" by the time that we got home! I was more than grateful that a neighbor friend who had come over to chat the other day brought us dinner tonight. Again, I have an amazing village. I feel so blessed. We've only lived here for a year and I still feel like we are getting to know people. But I know we were led here by HIS hand and this is where we need to be. Maybe for me? My kids? All of us?
This lasagna was so delicious!
By end of day I sure do feel "dead" but I'm overwhelmed with gratitude that everything always seems to work out in the end. Heavenly Father is in the details of our lives. Sometimes we need to stop worrying so much and trust in Him even in the small stuff! Maybe we should stop counting all our mom fails and mom wins and simply roll with whatever is thrown our way?! It's never going to be just how we planned! But with Him on our side we can't fail. Good news tonight though, "mom not dead."
As your mom, Jeannie, I was going to tell you to stop noting all the "Mom Fail's" and only note the Mom Wins. You win more than you realize. All moms do. We just don't consider it, but we should! Glad you came to the conclusion that we should not mention the fails, but I do think the wins are important to note.