Super Mom is Actually a Village

Once upon a time, I used to look at other moms and wonder how on earth they are handling motherhood with such ease and probably still have a clean house and their sanity?! I had someone in mind that was my ideal "super mom." She always seemed so happy and her kids were happy, polite, and well behaved. I didn't see her often, but when I did I loved to talk to her and just be around her and soak up her happiness and awesomeness! About 5 years ago at my brother's wedding we were able to chat. I was extremely pregnant with baby #5 who was born 4 days later. The first thing she said to me was, "How do you do everything you do?" I was so taken back by her question! I was shocked. In that one question it rocked my perfect idea of "super mom." My ideal super mom was asking me how I did it?!!! My thoughts ranged from I must be more awesome than I know to I'm not handling anything right now! Anyways, my point is that no one person is "super mom...