Last Fall Soccer Freezing Cold Wind...

I really do love watching my kids play soccer or participating in anything. But, I'm so excited to be done with soccer this fall! Usually we're done by now, but we had a lot of games rescheduled due to bad air quality earlier in the season when Utah County was experiencing big fires. Finally, today we had our last game for Kayla's team and that finishes our season off! Kayla's team was placed second in her division.

Maybree, Wylie, and Lilah staying huddled and warm.

Just a bit of background on myself, I am a Florida girl. Born and raised in Florida. I finished high school here in Utah. But, I will never enjoy freezing cold weather! I do love snow. I was 12 years old before I ever saw snow on my first trip to Utah. It is still a bit magical to me. However, what is the point of cold weather if it's not snowing? I keep a huge bag of blankets in my car for Utah's unpredictable weather which always happens during soccer games it seems. Today was no exception. 

Myles, Me, and Kenzie

When we left our house it wasn't to bad outside. But, as we traveled to the north end of the valley the wind was terrible and we were freezing! I would have worn a warmer coat and insisted the kids do the same if I had realized it would be this bad outside! Luckily, I also found some winter hats in the car that I had used the other day and forgot to bring inside. It was hard to concentrate on Kayla's game because it was so cold and windy and the kids were not super thrilled to be sitting in it. 

Kayla is picture I could get of her today.

Kayla had some good plays in her last game today. I don't think she loved playing in the freezing cold wind though. The team we played against had some really big girls compared to my tiny Kayla. But, she went up against them and did great despite the difference in size. Way to go Kayla! So proud of you! Now this soccer mama is ready for a soccer break!


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