36 weeks prego!

I realized the other day that I haven't taken very many pictures of this baby belly. So for the sake of memories for baby 7 here are a few pictures! Baby is finally head down! Love feeling those kicks in my side verse straight down! Although, I am questioning whether he is crooked in there. He feels like his head is more angled toward my left hip! I love that Myles is copying me in this picture! To bad he's cut off a bit. He still has a puppy dog nose painted on from a ward party! Always hard to imagine how the youngest will act towards the new addition! It never gets easier for me trying so hard to make the youngest feel excited about the baby. I try to include them in all baby stuff when the baby arrives. It can be so nerve racking but I think it's so important. He says he's excited for baby brother. I hope he stays that way! I'm getting so anxious for the end of this pregnancy! I'm 36 weeks. Earliest I've gone into labor ...