More GI Grossness...Cry or Laugh?

Unfortunately, gastrointestinal issues can be kind of gross. Not much you can do to avoid it. Myles has a special formula that we feed him through his button. He used to have bolus feeds of formula every few hours and be hooked up to a pump all night long. He has come a long way since starting his adventure with a feeding tube! He is eating more orally now and using less formula, but still gets tube fed. The formula makes his poop stink to high heaven. I don't mean regular poop stink. I mean the worst room permeating stink possible. Right before the baby was born (yes, I started this post before baby and I'm finishing it 5 weeks later...) Greg and I were at Smith's grocery store getting a few needed things. Lucky for us it was late enough at night that not a lot of people were there. While we were in the checkout line we realized that the bag of potatoes we had was bad. It had several rotten potatoes we didn't notice when we grabbed it. Their was no line and no ...