
Follow Your Promptings!

  Sunday, May 2, 2021   During fast and testimony meeting today (anyone is invited to share their testimony with the congregation, if they want, in this once-a-month meeting) I felt the pull to get up and share my testimony. It was strong enough to get me to jump out of my seat, yet I did not jump out of my seat. Each passing minute, each passing testimony, I was burning to get up, but I did not. This morning before church, I listened to a fantastic talk about promptings and acting on those first promptings! I listened to how the speaker explained that the adversary is usually the second thought and tries to use logic to talk us out of acting on that first prompting. I agreed and understood! Yet only a couple hours later, I was sitting in sacrament meeting justifying the first prompting to go up and share my testimony. Some of my “second thoughts” included, “But I’m pregnant and nervous and if I get up, I might pee my pants (dress)!” And, “I have so much I want to say ...

Surgical Consult and Jesus Heals Us

  Monday, February 8, 2021-              We sat on the couch anxiously awaiting our virtual doctor’s appointment with the surgeon at Primary Children’s Hospital. Myles has been so excited to take his button out. I’m still in disbelief that it’s really happening. I was half worried the surgeon would take one look at Myles weight and size for his age and call off the surgery. Myles bounced around on the couch excited for his doctor to come on the tablet screen. He got serious, “Wait. Do they have to give me a shot when they take my button out?”              “I think once you’re asleep they might give you a shot. But you won’t feel it because you’re asleep. But you can ask the doctor.” I responded. Once the surgeon came on and introduced himself, we discussed Myles health history. I felt like I was holding my breath answering questions. I don’t know why I was...

Be Brave Mom

  Monday, January 25, 2021- The weight of my blankets only made me want to stay in bed longer. I'm not a morning person regardless of not wanting to face Myles' doctor appointment. Myles decided he wanted to wear his super Mario brother hat from Halloween. Sure, why not?! When we arrived at the waiting room for the clinics in Primary Children's Hospital, I was taken back by the emptiness. The hospital, dedicated to the care of children, always has plenty to do and multiple options in the waiting room. We were once there for a swallow study and someone had the sole job to blow bubbles and play games to distract Myles and keep him happy during his testing. Anyways, thank you covid for destroying the fun for sick and sometimes scared kids waiting to be seen. 😓   We actually didn't have to wait long. The nurse took us back to the room they weigh and measure kids in. When I walked in memories flooded my mind of all the different times I've been in that room with Myl...

Here I Go Again

  Not a real mouse on his shoulder, but it is his buddy...        It’s that time again and I’m never ready for it. Time for Myles gastroenterology appointment. Time for my emotions to run wild and I’m sure I’ll go a bit crazy tomorrow. It’s been almost a year since we’ve seen the GI doc in person. Through covid we’ve had virtual appointments and I’ve seemed to handle those better than going in person.               What do I want to happen at tomorrow’s appointment? I wish that the doctor would look at tiny Myles and say, “Wow, you’re getting really tall and you’re getting pretty big! It’s probably time we take that button out now!” But in reality, he’ll probably take a look at Myles and his numbers and be happy that there is progress…but…not enough. Never enough. That’s what it seems at least. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great doctor and great with Myles. But, it’s hard not to take these things personally as a mother. ...

Peaches the Miracle Puppy - The Second Miracle

Saturday, July 11, 2020  Our family has completely fallen for this cute fluff ball Peaches, as has many others in the neighborhood. She's got a lot of sass and tries to let Flash know she's boss. He tolerates her mostly. He's like a teenager annoyed with the younger sibling.   We ’ d spent the last couple weeks with the Wilber side of the family who came to town to visit us. That night we were going down the street with our cousins for our friend’s birthday party. As I was walking out the door, I HAD A THOUGHT to put Peaches in her kennel. We don't usually leave her out because she is so small and I don't want her getting into anything. But Mom Wilber, Greg's sister Katie, and her husband Jake would be staying at the house. I IGNORED THE FEELING and left her out to roam.   We had a fun filled evening with dancing, karaoke, and seeing neighborhood friends we hadn't seen in months. As the evening was winding down Greg disappeared. I knew we needed to g...