Follow Your Promptings!

Sunday, May 2, 2021 During fast and testimony meeting today (anyone is invited to share their testimony with the congregation, if they want, in this once-a-month meeting) I felt the pull to get up and share my testimony. It was strong enough to get me to jump out of my seat, yet I did not jump out of my seat. Each passing minute, each passing testimony, I was burning to get up, but I did not. This morning before church, I listened to a fantastic talk about promptings and acting on those first promptings! I listened to how the speaker explained that the adversary is usually the second thought and tries to use logic to talk us out of acting on that first prompting. I agreed and understood! Yet only a couple hours later, I was sitting in sacrament meeting justifying the first prompting to go up and share my testimony. Some of my “second thoughts” included, “But I’m pregnant and nervous and if I get up, I might pee my pants (dress)!” And, “I have so much I want to say ...