Surgical Consult and Jesus Heals Us

Monday, February 8, 2021- We sat on the couch anxiously awaiting our virtual doctor’s appointment with the surgeon at Primary Children’s Hospital. Myles has been so excited to take his button out. I’m still in disbelief that it’s really happening. I was half worried the surgeon would take one look at Myles weight and size for his age and call off the surgery. Myles bounced around on the couch excited for his doctor to come on the tablet screen. He got serious, “Wait. Do they have to give me a shot when they take my button out?” “I think once you’re asleep they might give you a shot. But you won’t feel it because you’re asleep. But you can ask the doctor.” I responded. Once the surgeon came on and introduced himself, we discussed Myles health history. I felt like I was holding my breath answering questions. I don’t know why I was...