Be Brave Mom

Monday, January 25, 2021- The weight of my blankets only made me want to stay in bed longer. I'm not a morning person regardless of not wanting to face Myles' doctor appointment. Myles decided he wanted to wear his super Mario brother hat from Halloween. Sure, why not?! When we arrived at the waiting room for the clinics in Primary Children's Hospital, I was taken back by the emptiness. The hospital, dedicated to the care of children, always has plenty to do and multiple options in the waiting room. We were once there for a swallow study and someone had the sole job to blow bubbles and play games to distract Myles and keep him happy during his testing. Anyways, thank you covid for destroying the fun for sick and sometimes scared kids waiting to be seen. 😓 We actually didn't have to wait long. The nurse took us back to the room they weigh and measure kids in. When I walked in memories flooded my mind of all the different times I've been in that room with Myl...