Peaches the Miracle Puppy - The Second Miracle

Saturday, July 11, 2020 Our family has completely fallen for this cute fluff ball Peaches, as has many others in the neighborhood. She's got a lot of sass and tries to let Flash know she's boss. He tolerates her mostly. He's like a teenager annoyed with the younger sibling. We ’ d spent the last couple weeks with the Wilber side of the family who came to town to visit us. That night we were going down the street with our cousins for our friend’s birthday party. As I was walking out the door, I HAD A THOUGHT to put Peaches in her kennel. We don't usually leave her out because she is so small and I don't want her getting into anything. But Mom Wilber, Greg's sister Katie, and her husband Jake would be staying at the house. I IGNORED THE FEELING and left her out to roam. We had a fun filled evening with dancing, karaoke, and seeing neighborhood friends we hadn't seen in months. As the evening was winding down Greg disappeared. I knew we needed to g...