Owen Richard Wilber Joins the Family!

1st time kids met baby Owen! I haven't been very good at writing lately due to having a new baby! I wanted to back track a bit and write about baby Owen's birth! I swear a person could go crazy at the end of pregnancy! One minute you can't wait to get the baby out and the next you've changed your mind because you still need to clean every bathroom and corner in your house. What natural labor looks like in the middle stages between contractions. I have a lot of practice contractions in the month before real labor kicks in. I usually dilate early all the way to 4 cm and then my body sits at 4 cm till real labor starts a couple weeks later. Nurse wrote my goals out for me... All my kids have come early either at 37 weeks or 38 weeks. Usually, when labor starts for me, it's FAST and I have no breaks between contractions and it's INTENSE! To give you an example, Lilah (baby #5), labor started in the check out line at Winco. She arrived 4 minut...